The project Perestroika from Below is dedicated to a well-known moment in Soviet history and aims to look at it in a completely new way. It focuses on the large number of people who participated in the ambitious attempt to redefine the life, history and future of the Soviet Union and its successor states in the 1980s and 1990s.s
Feeling Change: An Emotional History of Perestroika

Diversity of Change - Perestroika in Estonian, Uzbek and Russian Museums

Peace and Human Agency in the USSR and post-Soviet countries in the 1980s-1990s

Perestrelka: surviving the crime boom in southern Ukraine, 1985-2000

Cultural in Form, Political in Content? Leningrad Monument Protection and Environmental Movement during Perestroika

Perestroika and the Production of History: Agents, Discourses and Public Reception

Kazakh Baqsy, Kumalakshi and Tengrism in Perestroika-era Kazakhstan

Beyond ‚East and West‘: A history of strikes and labour movements in Poland, Great Britain and Ukraine in the 1980s and early 1990s